Dan Riley, MS
Strength and Conditioning Coach
Houston Texans
Houston, Texas
“Cardiovascular disease, cancer, back problems and other musculoskeletal ailments are things that we read and hear about every day and sometimes it hits close to home. Yet, something can be done about it. This book can give kids and grownups the facts that they need and a game plan for them to get it done!”
Ed Cicale, MA
Physical Education Teacher
Oak Hills Schools
Cincinnati, Ohio
“It’s great to see the authors taking action to put youth fitness back on track. Over time, America has strayed from the importance of physical activity in the daily routines of its school-aged children. Having a book like this that focuses on a plan of action for youth fitness is certain to be a valuable resource for teaching parents and kids the many benefits of a healthy lifestyle.”
Mary L. Wolk, MS, H/FI, ACE-CPT
General Manager
Georgetown Law Sport/Fitness Center
Washington, D.C.
“Finally, a book that doesn’t sugarcoat the issues that are associated with youth fitness but addresses them honestly, openly and candidly. As a high school teacher, this book really made me evaluate my own program and look at how I can implement some of its suggestions to better serve my students and athletes. The book is a great read for coaches, parents, teachers or anyone who influences the lives of young people.”
Doug Scott, BS, CSCS
Fitness Coordinator and Teacher
The Pingry School
Martinsville, New Jersey
“Youth Fitness: An Action Plan for Shaping America’s Kids is essential for every parent, coach, trainer, therapist and doctor who deals with children and adolescents. If you’re trying to maximize athletic performance for elite or recreational youths, this book is a vital resource.”
Dr. Adam Shafran
Fitness Expert, Author, Radio Host and Chiropractor
Atlanta, Georgia
“Youth Fitness: An Action Plan for Shaping America’s Kids is a must-have resource for physical education teachers, coaches, recreation directors, parents and anyone else interested in improving the declining fitness levels of our nation’s youth. All the bases are covered in an organized, comprehensive, yet easy-to-read manner. There are no fads or gimmicks here; this book presents a safe, orthopedically age-appropriate plan to address a nationwide need.”
Scott Hays
Strength and Conditioning Coach
Fowlerville High School
Fowlerville, Michigan
“Youth Fitness: An Action Plan for Shaping America’s Kids is an educative approach to not only understanding the health concerns of America’s youth but also how to develop a proactive plan to get them fit and keep them fit. The authors do a great job of guiding the reader through a comprehensive look at what fitness means for our youth as well as a practical, step-by-step approach to creating desired fitness outcomes. This is a must-read for parents and educators alike.”
Brian J. Wilt, PhD
Recreation Management Department
Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
Lock Haven, Pennsylvania
“Youth Fitness: An Action Plan for Shaping America’s Kids is an absolute must for all physical education teachers and fitness professionals. Many books talk about the low fitness levels of today’s youth but few offer any practical solutions to the problem. This book gives the practitioner easy-to-follow steps to improve children’s fitness. It’s an invaluable tool for our physical education department.”
Ryan Carlson, MEd
Health/Physical Education Teacher
Chaska Middle School West
Chaska, Minnesota
“There is no doubt that kids are in very good hands as the authors are highly innovative educators who took the time to address an issue that has no parallel in significance: the health of a nation’s youth! This book should be read by parents, coaches, trainers and physical educators not just in America but worldwide.”
Randy Roach
Author and YMCA Canada Trainer
Waterloo, Ontario
“This book is a long overdue source of reliable information. In light of the epidemic health issues in America’s youth, the authors address these problems based on sound academic research. Youth Fitness: An Action Plan for Shaping America’s Kids should be on everyone’s bookshelf.”
Joe Ross
Head Football Coach
Jesuit High School
Tampa, Florida
“This book looks great! I like the fact that someone is finally writing a book that will help parents of young kids. Many parents really do not know what their son or daughter needs to do to improve fitness. This is a must read for all parents, educators and youth coaches.”Gary M. Raike, BS
Strength and Conditioning Coach
Woodridge, Illinois
“The authors provide readers with an excellent source of information to start on the road back to a higher level of physical fitness and health. It’s an excellent resource for health teachers, physical education teachers, coaches, parents and young adults.”
Mike Shibinski, MA, CSCS
Strength Coach/Physical Education Teacher
Princeton High School
Cincinnati, Ohio
“Youth Fitness: An Action Plan for Shaping America’s Kids offers invaluable information that is both practical and comprehensive. The organization and thoroughness of this book are outstanding. Applying the sound and easily understood principles that are advocated by the authors can change America’s future. This book should be in every library in the United States.”
Steve Baldwin, MS, CSCS
Strength Coach and Owner
Just Strength Training
Nashville, Tennessee
“Youth Fitness: An Action Plan for Shaping America’s Kids is timely in delivering a critical message that our children are at great risk due to sedentary lifestyles, lack of exercise and poor nutrition. At the same time, this book acts as a valuable resource by providing a practical, commonsense approach to getting fit and staying healthy. I applaud the authors for leading the way to a happier and healthier lifestyle for our children!”
Kelly Rosa-Bian
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Shady Grove Elementary School
Ambler, Pennsylvania
“The drastic and continual increase in childhood obesity and inactivity and the host of related complications in the United States is a foremost concern for parents, educators and medical professionals. The true value of this book is that it is not merely another fitness book that simply recites popular exercise and nutrition fads and fallacies. Instead, the authors separate fact from myth as they provide a safe, effective and scientifically efficacious guide to improving youth fitness.”
Luke Carlson, MS
Chief Executive Officer
Discover Strength Personal Fitness Center, Inc.
Plymouth, Minnesota
“The authors have tackled a daunting issue for kids, educators and parents alike by creating a much-needed fitness plan for the youth of America. Everyone knows that childhood obesity is a problem so I am glad to finally see a comprehensive book that is educational and provides an actual plan specifically to help kids get fit.”
Ryan Ash, MS
Teacher and Strength and Conditioning Coach
Howell High School
Howell, Michigan
“Youth Fitness: An Action Plan for Shaping America’s Kids represents a real-world explanation and approach to resolving the youth fitness issue in America. Easy to read and understand, this book provides information and guidelines that every parent and teacher needs to know. Thanks go to the authors for getting this important message out to the public in such a readable and concise fashion!”
Paul Kennedy, EdD
Fitness Consultant and Author
Phoenix, Arizona
“If your goal is for kids to get or stay physically fit and become the best they can be and you need a step-by-step progressive guide, then this is your single source. Having an up-to-date, easy-to-read text that overviews the latest medical research and training methods which then details it into usable information for both student and teacher/coach and athlete alike is a vital tool and one you need to have in your gear bag.”
Sensei H. J. Saunders, MA, CET, 5th-Dan, Isshinryu
President and Exercise Physiologist
Youth Fitness Coalition, Inc./Project ACES
Jersey City, New Jersey
“As a clinician who has labored long in the field of youth fitness, I feel quite strongly about the overall health benefits of exercise. This book is innovative, yet easy to read, and contains a proactive approach to tackling the fitness problem within our youth population. Physical education, health and fitness professionals: Read this book!”
John Mikula, CTRS, H/FI, CCS
Recreational Therapist
Gainesville, Florida
“The authors did an outstanding job of putting together a comprehensive fitness plan for today’s youngsters. They attack the many ramifications of the sedentary youth including obesity, diabetes and more. As an uncle with nephews on the verge of a more rigorous training plan, I would highly recommend this great resource to all parents and their kids looking for an extensive fitness blueprint.”
Mike Vorkapich, MS, CSCS, SCCC
Associate Strength and Conditioning Coach
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
“Adults have been exercising for years and, finally, the benefits for our kids have been discovered. Little has been done to study, research and design well-made exercises for teens and pre-teens. The authors have given many of us in the fitness industry a manual for planned, well-designed exercise. Coaches and parents interested in their youths can benefit from this book.”
Sam Stern, MEd
Fitness Coach and Personal Trainer
YMCA of Philadelphia and Vicinity
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania